2021 LPCAR Scholarship Applications now available!
LPCAR is pleased to offer Scholarships to area students who plan on pursuing further education after graduation or are currently attending a college or trade school and who are related to a REALTOR or Affiliate member of LPCAR.
A total of 3 Scholarships will be available in 2021 - high school, trade or college level
This year the amount of the scholarship has been increased to $1000 per recipient!

This award will be given to a person demonstrating outstanding community involvement who is planning to pursue further education through an accredited college, university, or trade school or are currently attending college or a trade school.
Students must be related to a LPCAR REALTOR member or Paid Affiliate member in good standing to be eligible for this award. Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchild, etc may apply.
The Scholarship Committee will use the following guideline when making their selections:
Community Involvement* 35%
Need 25%
Essay 25%
Grades 15%
Applications are now available on our website or you may access it below.. The application also requires an essay of 250 words or less explaining why the scholarship should be awarded. Any application received without the essay will not be considered during the selection process. It is important for the student to complete all parts of the application The deadline for this year is April 30, 2021. Please download the application available online on our website and have your student complete and send the form back by the deadline. Students of family members of LPCAR are eligible for this scholarship so we encourage them to apply as soon as possible.
*We understand that community involvement opportunities in 2020 were difficult due to the pandemic. Please encourage your student to list any previous volunteer work or any upcoming volunteer projects and/or community involvment.